A[ ]={ 4, 10, 12 };
B[ ]={ 5, 6, 15 }。
- 之倒数和 C-1= 13/30;
- 之和 C1= 26。
- 例证解决了等幂和猜想 I;
- 作者:陈漱文;研制完成日期:2001-05-07,04:24:08;本站收稿日期:2001-05-08;本站发布日期:2001-05-08。
A[ ]={ 4, 10, 18, 45 };
B[ ]={ 5, 6, 30, 36 }。
- 之倒数和 C-1= 77/180;
- 之积 C0= 32 400;
- 之和 C1= 77。
- 参考资料:陈漱文先生的E-mail(即上述内容);
- 解决了等幂和猜想 II;
- 作者:郭先强;研制完成日期:2001-05-08,14:34;本站发布日期:2001-05-08;
- 版权所有,未经原作者授权,严禁转载!
Example 1 (May 26, 2004. 2:30):
A1[ ]={ 25, 30, 75, 84, 210, 252 };
B1[ ]={ 21, 42, 63, 100, 150, 300 };
C1[ ]={ 20, 50, 60, 105, 126, 315 }。
- 之倒数和 C-1= 169 / 1575;
- 之积 C0= 250 047 000 000;
- 之和 C1= 676。
Example 2 (May 29, 2004. 12:40):
A2[ ]={ 21, 50, 63, 100, 126, 300 };
B2[ ]={ 20, 60, 70, 90, 105, 315 };
C2[ ]={ 28, 35, 42, 150, 180, 225 }。
- 之倒数和 C-1= 11 / 105;
- 之积 C0= 250 047 000 000;
- 之和 C1= 660。
Example 3 (June 05, 2004. 17:30):
A3[ ]={ 12, 15, 20, 315, 420, 525 };
B3[ ]={ 9, 21, 25, 252, 300, 700 };
C3[ ]={ 7, 35, 45, 140, 180, 900 } or C3[ ]={ 7, 30, 70, 90, 210, 900 }。
- 之倒数和 C-1= 1307 / 6300;
- 之积 C0= 250 047 000 000;
- 之和 C1= 1 307。
- 例证解决了等幂和猜想 III;
- 作者:姜守清(旅美华人);研制完成日期:2004-05-29,02:30;本站收稿日期:2004-06-11;本站发布日期:2004-06-11。
- 站长点评:在提出该猜想满三年后,终于有人可以例证解决了,实在是兴奋不已!
- 版权所有,未经原作者授权,严禁转载!
附 E-Mail:
Hi, Mr. Xianqiang:
Did you receive the email I give you? Now I send you it again.
Would you tell me your idea please.
I am glad to find your beautiful Web page.
I have a few examples that can show your guess III about equal power sum is true.
I was a math teacher of Fuzhou teachers college (Now is “Minjiang Xueyuan”). I have been retired since 1998. This one more year I live with my daughter in the U.S. and study English. I’m sorry that I have to use my poor English to send you this e-mail because my computer don’t allow me input Chinese words.
Would you tell me what your guess use? Is it important?
With best wishes
Jiang Shouqing 2004.6.5.
My address: shouqingjiang@hotmail.com
Hi, Dear Mr. Guo:
I very like your style of work. So I am willing to tell you how I solve your guess III by copying Chinese character. I think the way of thinking is more important and more useful for you.
我破解你的猜想 III 的思路是: 用 2*2*3*3*5*5*7=6300 作基础 (用其它的未必不可 ), 把它分解成只( !! ) 两个因数的积, 并结之成对。这样好处是, 只要相同数对的几组数的和相等, 那么各组数的倒数和必然相等。这样的构造可避免多条件分散你的思考。6300 可提供足够多的因数对, 形成足够多的数组, 分别计算各组数的和, 并把和相等的组找出来。算我好运, 共得 32 例。另外 联想 n-1次项系数与常数项分别相同的 几个一元 n 次 方 程 有不同解, 可能性隋 n 的增大而增大, 所以我取 n=6. 我想这思路可能有助破解你的猜想 IV. 但计算量太大, 我的小计算器无能为力。
你的网页美妙诱人, 显示你的高水平, 有望成为出色的数学家, 祝你理想早日成真! 我跟你一样爱数学. 我的一次作文写道:
" I also like mathematics even though I was forced to learn it. In mathematics, there aren’t ever cruel massacres, swindle and discrimination. There is only fair, honest, terseness, exact and true. You can’t find any words in math dictionary to express the love, but the love full of the math’s world. It is my good friend and will be followed by me until my end.”
I think you you’ll be agreed with me. 好了, 就此结束。
With best wishes!
Jiang, Shouqing 2004.6.13.
A[ ]={ 1134, 1152, 1728, 4536, 4860, 5103, 10080, 15120, 17496, 19440, 20412, 21870, 26244, 36864, 55296, 87480, 96768, 153090, 229635, 322560, 387072, 414720, 435456, 483840, 559872, 839808, 1658880, 1741824, 1866240, 4898880, 7348320, 7464960 };
B[ ]={ 1008, 1296, 1944, 4032, 4320, 5832, 8748, 11340, 15309, 17010, 17280, 32256, 51030, 61236, 65610, 76545, 110592, 129024, 138240, 165888, 262440, 489888, 497664, 552960, 746496, 967680, 1451520, 1959552, 2099520, 4354560, 6531840, 8398080 }。
- 之平方倒数和 C-2= 35 792 528 603 / 17 694 001 339 564 032;
- 之倒数和 C-1= 7 733 / 2 239 488;
- 之积 C0= 695 422 330 760 156 248 041 085 967 223 799 259 099 656 164 938 799 196 406 520 723 879 821 700 122 587 662 489 798 798 962 604 706 408 162 209 303 857 384 188 346 402 961 504 775 553 679 360 000 000 000 000 000;
- 之和 C1= 29 230 740;
- 之平方和 C2= 144 959 740 842 150。
- 例证解决了等幂和猜想 IV;
- 作者:streeling;首次发表于:数学研发论坛;本站发布日期:2013-07-07。
- 站长点评:在提出该猜想满十二年后,终于有人可以例证解决了,这是个非常大的突破!由于正负等幂和均突破高次,相信更高次数的这类等幂和数组也一定能存在!
- 版权所有,未经原作者授权,严禁转载!